

I moved my blog activity to this blog craft babe. This new blog is all about my craft and cosplay projects and some of my life aswell <3


last day in Denmark! for now ^^

I'm leaving tomorrow!!! OMG!!!!

I'm running around trying to get the last things in place for the big trip to Pompeii and Naples.

I still need to fix my work pants at the bottom so they will fit me, and I also have a pair of surfer shorts wich are a bit to big, so thats my next task for today.

this is my luggage so far ^^

My mom and her boyfriend have been SO supportive of this trip and helped me in any way possible. I have to pay for the trip and stay myself PLUS I won't get paid for the excavating work I'll be doing while I'm there - It is a bit frustrating. It's here I really appreciate my family, with their support, I can afford to have a good time and not think about the cost the whole trip <3

I'm bringning my curling iron and most of my makeup. On the other hand, I'm only bringing one pair of heels, and then I'm counting on finding me a cute pair of sandals when I get there.

I will make a travelblog over the trip, and I was actually counting on my travelmate, Toke, to bring his laptop, but since we are gonna be living in a tent for the next month, we decided that it was fairly unpractical having to look after it the whole trip.

Me and my man (pic from sakura festival 2011) <3

I'm gonna miss my BF soooo F'in much!!!


I'll just make my own!

So, I totally fell in love with the union jack print on clotheing, and I especially wanted an oversize shirt with that print, but I haven't been able to find any in Danish stores and neither on the internet stores.... SO! I made my own !

I bought a long jumper, I knew I had some white fabric paint and some red shiny paint, and here we go!

I drew the outline of the white with chalk on the shirt, and the I just painted it white. It needed a couple of coatings before the white got as I wanted it.

This had to dry for a bit, and then I ironed it before painting on the red. I was going for the "worn print" look, so the red is not a fabric paint. After the red had dryed, I washed it a couple of times, and it came out JUST as I wanted it!! YAY - I wear it all the time!!

I am very inspired by gyaru fashion, but will not jump 100% into it, since the entire environment around it seems very unattainable unless you intend to spend time and energy comparing yourself with all the other gaijin gals in the fierce gal community, and I'm not prepared for that. :)

Anywho, I've got another outfit that I wore on the last day of the semester ^^ And I will end my post here <3



the university on a summer day

I recently finished my examn for this summer. It was an assignment on archaeological theory. It was actually pretty interesting ^^ Oh well! I've only got two more weeks with only one lesson per week left, and then I'm done!! Next semester starts sometime in August XD YEAH!
Again this year, I'm a part of the introduction programme for the freshmen this summer, so I've still got som work to do besides the toyshop on saturdays.

A little summer outfit on a rainy day with some of my "new" old shoes
AAAND!!!! I'm going to Naples for 4 weeks to excavate in Pompeii!! I'm SO happy!!! I've just bought the plane tickets for me and my fellow student and friend Toke. We're doing a blog on the trip, so all our envious friends can keep track of us, and so we have something to do when we're of duty ^^ We'll only be working between 8:30-16:30 on weekdays, so I'm looking at stuff to do in the city, which is cheap, cause we're poor!

Pompeii aside. I found like 2 moving boxes full of clothes like a week ago beside the dumpster in front of my appartment, and it contained like 9 pairs of shoes in my size, PLUS a LOT of clothes from stores and brands normally too expensive for me to buy from, so I'm extatic!! even though, I went and bought these shoes fro H&M because I totally fell in LOOOVE with them!

the new new shoes <3 <3

These next days, I'm gonna work on the introduction magazine for the new students, so we won't get behind when I leave for ITALIA!!!!


Back to life!

I've been in this confused state of mind the last 4 months. I broke up with my boyfriend in December, but we're still seeing each other. Oh well, the situation is complicated.

(me and my x at our one month day 1st of April 2008)
Anyways, I kinda got what I wanted from the breakup - more time to focus on ME and what I really want to spend my time on. I've gotten my priorities straight (almost ^^) and I'm full of new energy.

ATM I've got two classes a week, one is "mesoamerican culture history" and "classical archaeological science theory". It only fills up 4 hours a week, so I've got some spare time that I need to fill up (Of course there's a lot of reading outside of class).
(temple from mesoamerica)

Once again I've taken on the assignment of tutoring the new students after the summer vacation, introducing them to campus, and their new life as university students. This time I'm well prepared and our team (three people) is already planning stuff. ^^

(me, when I was a freshman in 2009)

I just received a new charger for my camera, so now I'm ready to take pics again - the camera in my very smart smart-phone hasn't got shake control, so it's no good!

This was a little update post from my life, next up is my hama beads creations AKA perler!!!